Don Nunley followed his father into the film industry in
1959. He has film credits as a property master, set decorator and production
designer, and has been a member of the Motion Picture Academy of Arts
and Sciences since 1977. In his 30 years on motion picture sets, he worked with
Jack Lemmon, Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, Gilda Radner, Richard Pryor, Gene
Wilder, Robert DeNiro, and many other notable actors. Nunley also
started the first product placement agency in Hollywood, working to get
products into movies and TV shows. His company was responsible for E.T. drinking
Coors beer, Tom Cruise wearing RayBan sunglasses for ”Top Gun” and “Risky
Business,”and Robin Williams finding his first job in America at
McDonald's in "Moscow Across the Hudson."
Nunley has been called upon to lecture at colleges, and
on cruise ships. He also consults with Hollywood studios on
product placement.